Sunday, February 8, 2009

Quotation Bank for Rhys...

Post your group's quotations from Wide Sargass Sea here (along with a page reference for each quotation). Use this as a bank of evidence to prepare for your Paper 2 exam. :)


Bert (a.k.a. Master Ninja) said...

Time has no meaning. But something you can touch and hold like my red dress, that has a meaning. Where is it? (166)

Rachel Lee said...

Die then. Sleep. It is all that I can give you....(86)

Benjamin Lee said...

I wish to stay here in the dark...where I belong (123)

Han said...

All benevolent. All slave-owners. All resting in peace. When we came out of the church I took her hand. It was cold as ice in the hot sun. (70)

Jessica Yoon said...

Reality might disconcert her, bewilder her, hurt her, but it would not be reality. It would be only a mistake, a misfortune, a wrong path taken, her fixed ideas would never change. (p. 85)

Rachel Lee said...

Three quotes of Annette:

“But she pushed me away, not roughly but calmly, coldly, without a word, as if she had decided once and for all that I was useless to her... ‘Oh, let me alone,’ she would say, ‘let me alone,’ and after I knew that she talked aloud to herself I was a little afraid of her.” (18)

In this quote, not only Antoinette realizes that she is not wanted by Annette, her mother, but also Antoinette becomes afraid of Annette. This shows that Antoinette was never loved by anyone during her childhood. There also is a sense of foreshadowing when Antoinette observes her mother talking aloud to herself, of which she becomes scared. This foreshadows, perhaps, Annette’s madness for when there is a mad woman, people, especially children, become scare of the person. (hardhearted, selfish, uncaring)

"Her [Annette’s] songs were not like Jamaican songs, and she was not like the other women. She was much blacker… No other negro woman wore black, or tied her handkerchief Martinique fashion" (18-19)

This quotation shows that Annette did not belong in Jamaica. Antoinette continues through her observation of how Annette was different from other women around. This connects with the idea that Annette and Antoinette was never welcomed by neither ex-slaves nor white ex-slave-owners. They were always lonely for they had no friends and were, perhaps, the outsiders. (outsider, outcast, strange, alien)

"All that evening my mother didn’t speak to me or look at me and I thought, ‘She is ashamed of me, what Tia said is true.’" (24)

This is another quotation that shows the indifference of Annette towards her daughter. (cold-hearted, uncaring, selfish)

Daniel J Lee said...

Then I heard a clock ticking and it was made of gold. Gold is the idol they worship. (169)

Daniel J Lee said...

How old was I when I learned to hide what I felt? A very small boy. (93)

Jessica Yoon said...

“Why you ask me, if when I answer you say no? Why you come up here if when I tell you the truth, you say no?” (p. 99)

This quotation is from the dialogue between Antoinette and Christophine. It is when Antoinette came to Christophine’s house for advice, and Christophine tells her to leave Rochester. This reveals her logic of life, her fearless, and her independence. Thus, this quotation almost works as a foil to Antoinette, because at this point, Antoinette refuses to see the truth and is very dependent and fragile.

“All women, all colours, nothing but fools. Three children I have. One living in this world, each one a different father, but no husband, I thank my God. I keep my money. I don’t give it to no worthless man.” (p. 99~100)

This dialogue by Christophine shows her feelings toward man. She uses strong words to reveal her thoughts about husband shows that she is a very independent and strong woman.

“I know that girl. She will never ask you for love again, she will die first. But I Christophine I beg you. She love you so much. She thirsty for you. Wait, and perhaps you can love her again. A little, like she say. A little. Like you can love.” (p. 142)

In the book, there is a clear evidence of Christophine dislike toward Rochester. However, the fact that Christophine approached Rochester to beg for his love toward Antoinette reveals her loyalty.

Han said...

'What would?' She did not answer that, then one night whispered, 'If I could die. Now, when I am happy. Would you do that? You wouldn't have to kill me. Say die and I will die. You don't believe me? Then try, try, say die and watch me die'
(Pg. 84, Characterization)

geeheelee said...
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geeheelee said...

GeeHee and Michael

Pg.162-Now they have taken everything away. What am I doing in this place and who am I?

Pg.133- Bertha is not my name. You are trying to make me into someone else, calling me by another name.

Pg.150- She’s mad but mine, mine. What will I care for Gods or devils or for Fate itself.

Anonymous said...

"I searched for a long time before i could believe that she had taken my dress. not my underclothes, she never wore any but my dress, starched, ironed, clean that morning." (pg. 22) - Hyojung.

"Why you bring that child to make trouble trouble trouble? Trouble enough without that." (pg. 44) - helennn

"But you don't love. all you want is to break her up. and it help you break her up." (pg. 139) - helennn

hannahmunson said...


“We stared at each other, blood on my face, tears on hers. It was as if I saw myself. Like in a looking glass.” (pg. 41)
“My hate is colder, stronger, and you’ll have no hate to warm yourself. You will have nothing.” (pg 154)
“Long ago when I was a child and very lonely I tried to kiss her. But the glass was between us – hard, cold and misted over with my breath.” (pg 162)
“but Annette is such a pretty woman. And what a dancer. Reminds me of that song “light as cotton blossom on the something breeze”, or is it air? I forget.” (pg 26)

John Bang said...

keep them then, you cheating nigger
p 22

but she-she didnt want me. she pushed me away and cried when i went to see her. they told me i made her worse.
p 121

Sung Guk Byun said...

He an effort to fly down but his clipped wings failed him and he fell screeching. He was all on fire. (39)

There is no looking-glass here and I don't know what I am like now. (162)

emilyLEE said...

"We stared at each other, blood on my face, tears on hers. It was as if I saw myself. Like in a looking-glass." pg.41

michelle youn said...

Pg. 100
I have been too unhappy, I thought, it cannot last, being so unhappy, it would kill you.

Pg. 93
So between you I often wonder who I am and where is my country and where do I belong and why was I ever born at all

Pg. (I'll find it and edit)
She had left me thirsty and all my life would be thirst and longing for what I had lost before I found it.

Pg. 161
But he never came

Heewon Han said...

"Better. Better, better than people." -pg.25

"Now they have taken everything away. What am I doing in this place and who am I?" pg. 162

"She was only a ghost. A ghost in the grey daylight. nothing left but hopelessness." pg.154

"I know that girl. She will never ask you for love again, she will die first." pg.142

Heewon Han and Vincent Ahn

emilyLEE said...

"But the glass was between us- hard, cold and misted over with my breath. Now they have taken everything away. What am I doing in this place and who am I?" pg.162

Sasha Gunther said...

"She love you so much. She thirsty for you." (142)
"Save me from destruction, ruin, and desolation." (151)

Min Soo said...

"They are safe. How can they know what it can be like outside?"
Pg. 54

'Don't laugh like that, Bertha.'
'My name is not Bertha; why do you call me Bertha?'
'Because it is a name I'm particularly fond of. I think of you as Bertha.'
Pg. 122

blakealtman said...

"Disgust and rage." Pg.114

"She was only a ghost ellipses Nothing left but hopelessness." Pg. 154