We've been dancing around the idea that God has created human beings so that we need love and meaningful relationships as much as we need air and food and shelter. Consider this quote from an article called "Love is a Human Need" (http://ezinearticles.com/?Love-is-a-Human-Need&id=2088020): From birth to death, love is not just the focus of human experience but also the life force of the mind, determining our moods, stabilizing our bodily rhythms, and changing the structure of our brains. The body's physiology ensures that relationships determine and fix our identities. Love makes us who we are, and who we can become. (A General Theory of Love, 2000, Lewis by Amini, Lannon, p.viii)
In your opinion, based on what we've been exploring in Far From the Madding Crowd, Woman at Point Zero, Wide Sargasso Sea and Flannery O'Connor's short stories, is this true? And, if so, does our human need for love and meaningful relationships really reflect our deeper need and desire for true communion with God, our creator and the creator of the universe?
Post your thoughts here (aim for at least 250 words). :)